Personal Finance

10 Ways To Think & Live Like A Millionaire

Ever wondered how a wealthy person might be thinking and organising hislife? Well, while the question may sound very subjective, it certainly does evoke some curiosity in us. Most of us see ourselves as not 'rich' enough and are desirous of becoming very rich. Well, the good news is that this article is just for you. It carries 10 ways /ideas, screened from few studies & books, on the characteristics of the rich people. While adopting them may not guarantee you wealth, but it certainly would make you a tad wealthier some day than what will be the destiny by ignoring them...

Be Persistent & Focused:
Being persistent is a personality trait that can be converted into a habit if put to regular practice over time. Rich people are not the ones who will easily give up on something which they believe in. They are much more likely to fight, find solutions, work harder, get smarter in face of adversities. They are also very focussed on one thing at a time.

Have Respect For Time:
If it is one resource which is valued the most than others, it is time. In fact the rich are very likely to think of what they earn on an hourly basis rather than on a monthly or yearly basis. They then compare on an hourly basis how much they are making money or loosing money by not doing any productive work. Also the rich are much less likely to procrastinate and would most likely finish the job or take the decision in the least possible time required.

Setting Challengeable But Attainable Goals All The Time:
A challenge is a big motivation and opportunity to excel and to grow. The rich often set goals, in all matters from work to play. They even set goals to become rich. The act of setting goal itself is a rewarding exercise and it helps one to visualise and feel what is to achieve it.

Having A Mentor In Life:
Most rich people have some mentor or ideal who they listen to, read about, consult or follow. They can be even heroes in their chosen industry who would inspire, motive and help avoid mistakes. They are however careful in not following the mentor blindly and adapting any advice to their own situations and beliefs.

Staying Positive And Confident:
It is very rare to find a rich person who has self doubts and has a negative approach to things. The rich have a positive approach to life, they are happy, upbeat and are also grateful for the things they have in life. Very often you find that the rich are happily married, they love their chosen job, are healthy, they avoid taking negative or gossiping and lastly they believe in great possibilities and opportunities. Because of their self belief, positivity and a habit of achieving goals, they are also much more confident.

Keep Learning And Growing:
The rich are more likely to be masters in their business /jobs and on top of the things. To remain so, they keep interacting, observing and engaged in things of their interest. Most are also very avid readers often reading books on biographies, self-help books, money and those related to their own trade and business. After reading, they take be of actionable points to implement in real life thus helping they grow personally.

Tracking Progress And Making Improvements:
If we walk without knowing where we are headed and what change we need to make, we are sure to end up nowhere. For eg., if you do not know how much savings you need for your retirement, you will never safely retire. The rich make it a habit to measure their goals after making them. Thus, most rich people will also likely balance their bank accounts on a monthly basis and follow a to-do list on a daily basis. Some may be obsessive and even measure how much kilos they lost, miles they ran and calories they ate during a month!

Surrounding Self With Successful Persons:
One becomes the company he keeps. Of course we are often surrounded by the people like us. But the real difference is in the company you want to keep. The rich aspire to keep a company of more success oriented, positive, knowledgeable, networked and powerful people. They intuitively understand the importance of these relationships and are intentional in nurturing these positive relationships by investing the required time, money and energy. It can be said that relationships are the currency of the rich and the successful.

Take Calculated Risks:
The rich people like taking calculated risks in their endeavours. The idea is not to experiment but to grow, excel and exploit opportunities before anyone else. This personality trait makes them appear bold and courageous. The risks are well calculated, often the result of proper research, consulting or brainstorming. At the same time, the costs of failure are known and the risks are well spread out; never putting all the eggs in one basket.

Spend Much Less Than What You Earn:
It may sound very simple, but the secret to becoming rich is by spending much less than you earn and making the money saved to work hard for you. The problem with most poor people is that when the income rises, they also increase their expenses, often buying better gadgets, cars, etc. There are many rich people around us who would never appear rich to us, often living within means much below than they can actually afford to. Spending less, starting to invest early, saving regularly, saving increasingly more and investing in the right asset classes are some of the timeless principles of wealth creation we should all adopt in our lives to become rich. This method is the most practical one which literally guarantees you wealth in future.


We offer our services through personal counsel with each of our clients after understanding their wealth distribution needs. Our approach is to enable our client's to understand their investments, have knowledge of investment products and that they make proper progress towards achieving their financial goals in life.

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