Personal Finance

Friday, December 06 2019, Contributed By: NJ Publications

It is a fact that the equity markets have not been performing well in recent times. This is not at all surprising as history shows us that the markets are and will be volatile in the short-term. However, there are likely many new investors who have entered equity markets only in the recent past, especially through the mutual fund SIP route. It may not come as a surprise that some of these investors may be feeling a bit worried about the short term performance of their equity funds. In this piece, we will talk about some basic investing principles which would help calm the nerves a bit.

Should you look at short-term SIP returns and worry?

Since you have invested in an equity mutual fund scheme, we assume that your investment horizon would have been long term or related to any long term financial goal. In personal finance parlance, long term is considered a minimum of five years.

It is important to understand that nothing is wrong with your choice of investment for the time horizon you have chosen. You just need to understand that the markets will go up and down, especially in the short term. That is their basic characteristic. It is only in the long run that you will see an increasingly consistent rising graph or upward movement. On the positive side, you may even be happy that the markets have not rallied, as you are now buying stocks at relatively lower price consistently through SIP. That is, in fact, one of the primary advantages of investing through SIP.

Almost every expert knows that the equity returns tends to follow the nominal GDP growth rates (i.e, the real GDP growth rate + inflation figures) in the long-term. With the Indian economy expected to grow at 7% + (real GDP) over the next few years, markets will eventually catch up and deliver positive returns. Hence, investors should not worry about lower or even negative returns in the short-term and continue their SIPs confidently.

Should I look to change my schemes?

Again, the performance of any fund or a fund manager can only be made over time. One year or less is too short a time to comment on the quality of fund management. If one particular scheme is not doing well today, shifting to another well-performing scheme will not guarantee you high returns. All returns and performance are historical in nature and hence will not matter much. Also, shifting between schemes with similar investment objective and investing in the same category/nature of stocks will not improve your portfolio much as the underlying universe of stocks will likely be similar.

What is more important in any portfolio composition is whether there is proper asset allocation and diversification. You should check whether your asset allocation is right for your investment horizon or risk appetite. Next, you could also see if your equity investment is appropriately spread into large, mid or small-cap investments – again as your profile and need. Frankly, we would strongly advise you to consult a proper financial advisor /distributor to construct your portfolio appropriately.

How long should you continue your SIP investments?

The best way to look at a SIP is by mapping or allocating your SIP to some life event or financial goal. For eg., higher education for your child, retirement plans for self, purchase of a second home, and so on. Even if these goals are over 10, 20, 30 years afar, an SIP route will deliver the best likely returns from amongst all asset classes. Given the importance of your financial goal, you should not stop any SIP linked to it as it will directly compromise the success of your goal.

If you do not wish to link your SIP to any goal, we would suggest that the life of any SIP should be at least 5-7 years for it to deliver good returns. Having said so, an SIP can be closed at any point of time – whenever you may need money. A new SIP today must be at least 5 years long.

Should I invest more money in equity funds?

This brings us back to basic questions – what is your investment objective, time horizon, risk appetite for this investment? And also most importantly, what is your present asset allocation? Once, these facts are known, you will have your answer. Broadly speaking you should invest if, your asset allocation in equity is low or your investment objective is to create wealth, the time horizon is long term and your risk appetite is aggressive.

Independent of above things, one is always advised to invest in markets which are not performing well or in other words, the valuations are relatively low. If you have an SIP you should consider increasing the SIP amount periodically – say half-yearly or yearly. Step-up SIPs are now available in the market which automatically increases your SIP amount at a set frequency. This is a more logical thing to do and also ensures that your savings grow along with your income over the years. Perhaps one should approach a good financial advisor to guide you on your fresh investments.

As smart investors, we also need to understand that fall in markets do give an opportunity for new investors to enter the market. Unfortunately, in India experience has shown that most investors enter markets when the returns are 30%-40% over the past year hoping that they too will make easy money.

In the end, we would suggest that a new investor should seek the help of a good financial advisor /planner to guide him/her in his investing journey. If you are investing directly on your own and are worried today, we would strongly suggest that you gain more knowledge and understanding on how the markets and investments work and even seek guidance, if felt required.

Friday, Nov 29 2019
Source/Contribution by : NJ Publications

One single person cannot be an expert at many things. One may be good at quite a few things but can one call himself as an expert on multiple subject matters? Probably not. Thus, a normal person would need different experts and consultants at different points in time. These experts can be in the form of say, your teachers, gym /yoga instructors, doctors, lawyers, accountants and even your spiritual guide or guru. One such important expert in your life would be your financial advisor but the importance of whom most of us do not fully appreciate.

The financial advisor may come in many different names or designations, irrespective of which their primary concern would be your financial well-being and ensuring that you are financially successful. Thus, choosing and having the right financial advisor is very important as it will have an impact on one thing you value most – your money.

Who is a Financial Advisor:

A financial advisor is one who would be interested in your overall financial well-being. A good advisor would be one who is competent and committed to ensuring financial success for you. The financial advisor should be one who could provide you with advice and access to different financial products as you may need. He should be the one able to not only create and manage portfolios of different financial products but also handle you as a person. The financial advisor would play the critical role of managing your expectations, your emotions, help you build the right habits, attitude and appetite for investments and also help you become more aware of your finances.

Why should he/she be right?

Since we are strictly dealing with your financial well-being here, there is very little scope for compromise. At stake is a huge impact on your wealth – the difference between what a good / decent advisor and the right advisor can make for you. Small decisions, choices of products, timely actions, managing emotions, expectations, etc, everything potentially can end up making a huge difference to your finances especially when we project that over many years or long term.

Why do we need an advisor?

To start with, financial advisory is a huge field in itself. It encompasses different aspects of finance, including financial planning, investment & portfolio management, insurance or risk management, tax planning, retirement planning, cash-flow management, and loan /debt management. I am not sure how many of us would be competent /knowledgeable in each of this aspect. Bringing together all these pieces together is just one part of financial advisor. The real impact a financial advisor would bring would be in effectively managing your emotions and expectations and saying no to you where needed. There is a risk that financial decisions taken by us get affected by > emotions, biases, prejudice, knowledge, understanding, delays and so on. The advisor would help us by bringing professionalism, logic, emotional control, discipline in decision making and bringing all aspects of financial management under one umbrella of strategy or approach.

Who is probably not the right advisor?

Traditional Agents/ Brokers /Accountants:

The role and expertise of a proper financial advisor is an established field in itself. One should not expect a comprehensive assessment and solution to your financial needs from persons handling only specific aspects of your life. This is true for you, unless he/she is also a financial advisor, accountant, banking executive. insurance agent and stock broker. There are many traditional agents in the market who are really not looking at solving your problems or needs but are only interested in pushing the most profitable products to you. One should be more careful of their bank executive selling new ideas, the stock broker frequently churning portfolio and giving tips, and the insurance agent in neighbourhood selling only traditional plans.

Personal relationships:

Having a relationship with an incompetent advisor is not recommended even if you have other reasons for maintaining that relationship. At the end of the day, there is always a chance that you are not satisfied with the advisory part and then that may even ruin the other relationship you are having with that person. It would be advisable to differentiate a personal relationship and a professional relationship and deal / hire the right advisor to manage your finances.

Who is the right advisor for you?

  • Competence: Your financial advisor has to be competent. Being competent can be seen as a combination of essentially two things -

    • Knowledge: Knowledge is all about knowing everything you expect the advisor to know, including knowledge about assets, products, taxation, etc and also keeping oneself updated on markets and economy.

    • Skills: Skills can be seen in two parts – (a) financial advisory skills (c) soft skills. The advisor should be smart enough to your prepare financial plans, do portfolio restructuring, decide upon the right products suitable for you, prepare reports /insights, evaluate products, make decisions based on right inputs, execute plans /transactions and so on. Soft skills would be largely about effective communication and relationship management with you.

    • Infrastructure: Knowledge and skills have to be supported by adequate infrastructure. The existing infrastructure should be adequate enough for you to be serviced. The advisor has to be empowered by suitable product basket, technology platform, services, manpower and physical infrastructure. All this will access to the required products, ensure ease of operations, service quality and technology comfort for you too.

  • Commitment: The financial advisor should be committed to you. We can interpret this commitment and see it as a combination of the following -

    • Acceptance: the advisor accepts you as a valuable client and is dedicated to serving you. The impact of this acceptance & dedication would reflect on the entire relationship you have with the advisor. Absence of this aspect of relationship would not help you no matter how competent your advisor is.

    • Understanding: another aspect of commitment would be reflected in the extent to which the advisor takes the effort to understand you as a person and your finances. Without a proper understanding of your profile, background, financial status, needs and expectations, it would be difficult for him to give the right advice to you.

    • Intent: The last part of commitment is the intent of the advisor. There are many people in the industry, say bank executives or insurance agents promoting traditional plans only, whose true intentions and/or product biases to be understood. The advisor has to act in your best interests only and not be biased for any particular products or services. A good advisor will not be transaction or product oriented but will talk more in terms of problems or needs and solutions for them.

Monday, Nov 25 2019
Source/Contribution by : NJ Publications

Time for Tax Planning

In life, two things are certain – death and taxes! 31st March is less than Four months away and you surely now have adequate time to focus on one very important task for the financial year. Tax Planning! You have just about enough time to assess your financial records and plan investments for tax saving purposes. But don't get too comfortable just yet. Time is of the essence when it comes to tax planning and the remaining months will fly away soon. We don't want to end up in the middle of a lot of unfinished work, forced to make last-minute investments in sub-optimal instruments just to save tax. You may end up saving tax but will this investment align with your overall investment goals?

Let us not wait for March month and be done with all tax planning as early as possible. Last minute tax planning decisions, taken in haste often are not the ones most suitable for you. We would suggest it is time to start tax planning right away. The question now is how do we start?

Step one: Assessment of gross income

The IT department has identified five specific heads of income under which all income is classified. These are (a) Income from Salary (b) Income from House Property (c) Profits & gains from Business/Profession (d) Capital Gains & (e) Income from Other sources.

The first step is a fair assessment of the gross income for the financial year. You already have crossed over nine months and we believe you will have a fair bit of idea for income accruing in the remaining months. There is no need to arrive at an exact figure. An approximate figure is enough to know the income for the fiscal year. While arriving at the gross income, please do consider all incomes including things like interest on bank savings, interest earnings from investments made, rental income, etc.

Step two: Assessment of taxable liability

The next step is the computation of the net taxable income. For this, we will be taking into account the exemptions /deductions provided by the government for the above-mentioned income source. We will be also considering the tax saving avenues already used /invested in by us during this financial year. Just to highlight, the following things will have to be considered, subject to the taxation rules,

  1. Investments made in tax saving instruments u/s 80C

  2. Rent paid for residence

  3. Insurance premiums paid

  4. Home loan – interest and the capital amount repaid

  5. Medical expenses for disease treatments

  6. Expenditure on handicapped relatives

  7. Other allowed deductions like tuition fees, donations, etc.

After arriving the net taxable income, depending on our income level and our personal profile (age + gender + tax entity type) a particular taxation slab will be applicable to us. This will help us arrive at the tax liability for the year.

Step three: Planning for tax saving

You now have a fair idea of the amount of taxable income and tax liability applicable as per tax slab to you. The next step starts with you deciding how much tax savings you want to do? The idea is to reduce your taxable income so that the tax liability decreases. Thus you will have to work out the right amount of investments to be made in approved instruments which are allowed as deductions...

Note that not every decision is driven by tax saving purpose. For example, taking insurance in itself is very crucial and the decision on it should be taken independently, irrespective of tax saving benefit available or not. Tax saving in insurance products must always be a secondary consideration, as a by-product. As such insurance requirements have to be discussed with your advisor, the sooner the better. Certain insurance premiums are allowed for deduction u/s 80D, 80DD and 80DDB.

We have finally arrived at the stage where we have to select the investment product(s) with the primary objective of tax saving. The most important section here is of 80C which has many approved investment avenues which collectively allow deduction of up to Rs.1,50,000/- from taxable income. The most popular investment instruments available here are...

  • Mutual Fund Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS)

  • Contribution to Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

  • Tax saving Fixed Deposits (5 years & above)

  • National Savings Certificate (NSC)

  • Pension Plans

  • Others Investments like Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY), ULIPs, Senior Citizens' Savings Schemes (SCSS).

There are also some payments eligible for tax saving deductions u/s 80C which have to be considered, if any.

  • Life Insurance premiums

  • Home loan repayment (principal amount)

  • Children's tuition fees

Further, there is also an additional deduction of Rs.50,000 available for investments made into NPS u/s 80CCD which is over and above the 80C limits.

The question now is what you will choose?

To decide we must see the advantages and disadvantages of our preferred products and also our own financial objectives. Parameters like liquidity (lock-in period), risks, returns potential and your existing investment asset allocation, can be considered to decide on the right investment instrument. Please note that even interest rates on government saving instruments are revised from time to time. How much net real returns over inflation can I expect from my returns? is something that you must question yourself.

We don't wanna push you towards any particular product, though we believe in ELSS as the ideal tax saving instrument u/s 80C. However, overall tax planning is a wide subject and we would suggest that you take the opportunity to sit with your financial advisor and make a fair assessment of the needs and then select the right instruments. It is also an opportunity to take an independent look at your insurance coverage, just in time before the end of the year.

Friday, Nov 15 2019
Source/Contribution by : NJ Publications

You must have recently read news about Boris Becker actioning his trophies and other memorabilia. It was indeed sad that one of the greatest stars of tennis had to sell his most prized possessions to fund his bankruptcy and pay money to creditors. Back home too we often see well-off persons falling into financial crisis. Today, even Mr Anil Ambani is facing a financial crisis in his business group and was even at the verge of being arrested.

No one can guarantee that a financial crisis can never come in one's life. It may be due to wrong financial decisions, setbacks or unseen developments affecting your industry, loss of a job, any unexpected medical costs at home or even falling victim to any fraud. It is quite possible that even a single mistake or event can wipe out your years of hand work and the wealth that you have created. Not making big financial mistakes or blunders is at the cornerstone of your wealth creation journey.

What is also important that you are always careful to avoid any such scenario in future. Prevention is better than cure – this has to be practised. Being always prepared to avoid and even to deal with any financial crisis in important. Here are a few ways in which you can be prepared...

  1. Separate business from personal finances: One of the most prudent decisions is to separate your business /profession with your personal finances if you are into any business. It is also important that you do not put at stake your personal wealth to meet your business needs and vice versa. Doing this may leave you without any financial backup in future. If the business is not doing good, it is better to find solutions within the resources available for business. Once personal assets are put at stake and business fails, you are left nowhere to go.

  2. Prepare to be frugal: Being frugal does not mean compromising on your quality of life. Being frugal is all about avoiding unnecessary things in life and making the most of the resources already available. Whether be it business or personal life, being frugal helps in keeping your expenses down, reducing risks of any crisis and also making you better prepared for any crisis should it occur.

  3. Do not leverage too much: Leveraging would mean taking too much credit or loan to finance anything. Leveraging to create assets which will increase in value in future is always better than investing in assets that depreciate. Even while taking credit to finance investments in income or wealth-creating assets or business, one should never go over-board.

  1. Do not spread yourself thin: Quite often we have seen that people commit or deploy all their funds in business or different assets. A reserve or an emergency fund is what you must first aim for to create to finance any temporary setbacks or dull periods of business or profession. A good backup goes a long way in avoiding any crisis.

  2. Do not put all eggs in one basket: Be it investing or in business or profession, it is always better to not risk everyone on one venture or investment. One of the most common things found in millionaires is that they have multiple sources of income so even if one is compromised, they are not likely to be affected much.

  3. Take only justified risks: While taking risks is a part of business, it is not justified that any undue risk is taken, especially when it comes to unknown persons or any unexplored opportunity. Any risk, whether be it business or investment or any income opportunity has to be well-researched. If there is a promise of huge returns by someone, an offer too good to be true, it is not going to be true. Being in control, listening to your instincts, consulting your advisors and not falling prey to greed are some of the things you must practice.

  4. Be adequately insured: It would be foolish if you are at a big financial loss which could have been avoided had you taken adequate insurance for a small cost. That small cost is the cost of peace of mind that you must pay but unfortunately, even that is seen as big till the time tragedy strikes. At a personal level, health, personal accident, critical illness, life, travel and home are some of the insurance policies available to you to avoid any likely financial risks arising from any unfortunate event. For your business/profession too there are many policies available to avoid damages by theft, accident, fire, legal claims, etc.

Being big in life:

There are many things that a person can create without huge financial investments. And these things will surely make you better prepared than anything else in life which can be counted. So what are these things?

  1. A strong team: Building in a strong team in your business or profession can make you very grounded and stable in business. Being a good leader and investing in good people and helping them develop will always make you win as a team. At a personal level, having a team of a good banker, accountant or even a lawyer will help you in avoiding and managing your crisis better.

  2. A strong brand: A strong goodwill and brand for your business or at a personal level also go a long way. Even at a personal level, if you are seen as a trustworthy and dependable person in your family and friend circle, it should help you a lot. This though comes over time when you also are helpful and supportive of those around you.

  3. A strong network: A well-networked man is much more likely to be successful. Again, one of the most common things among millionaires is the strong network that they enjoy. A good social or business network brings opportunities and solutions too to the problems you may have. Do actively spend your time and resources in building a proper network in life.

Friday, Nov 8 2019
Source/Contribution by : NJ Publications

Do you ever imagine why few people appear to get rich easily while most of the others live their entire life full of financial struggles? Have you wondered what is that difference which makes few people rich – is it education, hard work, intelligence, luck, family background or is it about their choice of work, job, business and investment?

You will be surprised that the answer to the above is No, according to one of the hugely popular books on personal finance “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker. Eker says that though few of the things mentioned may contribute to financial success, the underlying reason for success itself is quite different. goes. In this piece, we will attempt to go deeper and unravel what makes the real difference between the rich and the poor.

It's very much about how you think:

It can be said that poverty begins and is rather allowed to continue in one's imagination first. One's actual material life then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of this image. You ultimately become what you think of yourself. If you are always thinking about problems, are small minded, keep finding faults in everything and worse, think low of yourself, then that is what you may end up living your life with. The need for self-admiration, thinking big, thinking about possibilities and opportunities cannot be underestimated.

But, everything else remaining same, why do we think the way we do? The answer to this question is given below.

Your subconscious mind plays a critical role:

Right from childhood we are subjected to subconscious learning from our families, friends, schools, events happening around us and so on. This is the main reason people with different family backgrounds and cultures tend to think differently. Imagine a typical Gujarati /Punjabi /Sindhi business family and compare that to any well-educated South Indian family. You can almost predict how the lives of children will shape up in such families and what will they do in their lives. The risk-taking ability, money management skills, attitude to wealth, etc. are ingrained in our subconscious minds to a greater extent than you think. This plays a very crucial role in shaping who we are and who we will be in our lives. If your subconscious mind is not set for a high level of success then probably you will never have a lot of money. The good news is that you can change this subconscious mind with your conscious and continuous rethinking on these aspects of life.

How the rich think and act differently?

Now that we have established that your thinking mind and your subconscious mind plays a very important role in financial success, let us get back to the starting point – the difference rich and poor. It would be really interesting to see how a financially successful guy is thinking differently from a financially deprived person.

  1. Rich people believe in creating their own future and destiny. Poor people let life happen to them and accept their destiny.

  2. Rich people make it their game to win and make more money. Poor people tend to play the money game safe so as to not loose.

  3. Rich people live their lives as if they have a commitment to being rich. Poor people live life as if they want to be rich and are more eager to showcase being rich rather than being actually rich.

  4. Rich people think big, think about possibilities and opportunities. Poor people think small, think more of obstacles and difficulties in anything they do or think of doing.

  5. Rich people focus more and spend more time exploring and exploiting opportunities. Poor people spend more time talking about obstacles and focus on solving problems in life.

  6. Rich people admire, learn from and aspire to be like other rich and successful people. Poor people normally resent, find faults and crib about rich and successful people but never learn.

  7. Rich people tend to associate and network with most other rich, positive and successful people. Poor people tend to associate with their likes or other negative or unsuccessful people and do not network.

  8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value and tend to create a personal brand for themselves. Poor people do not like personal selling or promotion and do not indulge in making a personal brand or value.

  9. Rich people often think of problems as smaller than themselves and something which can be resolved easily. Poor people often think of their problems as bigger than their capability and something which would need tremendous efforts.

  10. Rich people are very good at observing and learning what they need to from virtually anything or any person. Poor people are poor at observing and learning and often tend to only believe that they know.

  11. Rich people tend to work smart for results or profits based on their intelligence and enterprise. Poor people tend to work hard and choose to get paid based on time and work done.

  12. Rich people think of getting the maximum advantage of any situation or deal and not loosing. Poor people think more of a win-win situation and choose either among options available to them.

  13. Rich people know, keep track of and focus on building their net worth. Poor people focus more on their working income rather than their actual net worth.

  14. Rich people are good at managing and growing their investments /wealth. Poor people often mismanage their wealth and tend to make sub-optimal investments.

  15. Rich people put their money to good use and make it work hard for them. Poor people focus on working hard for earning their money but do no put their money to work.

  16. Rich people are more courageous and tend to act in spite of fear by taking calculated risks. Poor people are overwhelmed by fear and tend to not take any risks.

  17. Rich people are committed to learning and they constantly learn and grow themselves. Poor people are laid back thinking that they already have enough knowledge and do not learn actively.

As Eker says, “The size of the problem is never the issue—what matters is the size of you!”. Understanding the above differences in thinking and changing our own thought process should be our goal. These changes, when put to practice in real life, will act as the steps or blueprint to dramatically improve our financial success factor.

We offer our services through personal counsel with each of our clients after understanding their wealth distribution needs. Our approach is to enable our client's to understand their investments, have knowledge of investment products and that they make proper progress towards achieving their financial goals in life.

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